1·Under law, your employer has the right to hire a temporary worker to replace you.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
2·The real question is what you get for your money, when you hire a worker.
3·“Why would a business hire a new worker?
4·As the economy begins to recover, many companies will hire the project worker without ever advertising the job opening.
5·If you look at a company like UPS, they tell us that for every 40 new packages that are shipped overseas, they hire a new American worker.
6·A firm importing a worker under such a scheme would presumably pay him a lower wage than it would pay an equivalent local (otherwise why not just hire a native?)
7·While San Francisco is the first to hire a social worker, other libraries may follow.
8·We don't want to hire inexperienced worker.
我们不想聘用没有经验的工人。 。
9·Similarly, the most effective tool for a worker to get an employer to hire him is to offer to accept a lower wage (with wages being a form of pricing).
10·We don't want to hire an inexperienced worker.