hidden line



1·So balance is Camus' hidden line, which correspond to absurdity in his works.


2·The hidden line and hidden surface removal is one of the difficult problems in computer graphics.


3·Notice also that even if you set a break point at the hidden line, the debugger will still ignore it.


4·Here's a short gnuplot example that illustrates 3-d function plotting with contours and hidden line removal.

下面是一个简单的gnuplot例子,它给出了一个具有等高线和隐线消除的3 - D图形。

5·Above, the first layer is simply an exported image of my Sketchup model with the face style set to both "Hidden Line" and "X-Ray".

上图中,第一个图层,是一个SU 模型导出的简单图片,面样式设置为“隐藏边线”和“X光透视”。

6·The concrete method for deleting hidden line and the form of data structure which describes any polyhedron have been provided, too.


7·In 3d line drawing which has hidden lines displayed, a labeling method for imperfect line drawing aiming for searching external contour lines is described.


8·This paper presents a pixel level algorithm for drawing implicit surfaces, which accomplishes hidden line removal according to the feather of implicit surface.


9·The base contour is enabled along with hidden line removal, and the sinc plot is created with the splot command using the internally available math library functions.

同时还启用了基本的等高线和隐线消除特性,最终的绘图是利用 splot 命令使用数学库内部的函数来创建的。

10·The connected matrix of topological relationships between vertices was renewed by occlusion matrix, and the projection drawing defined by connected matrix had no hidden line.
