1·Constructed of hardened materials with optional hard facing.
2·The results show that hard facing layer have high hardness, anti wear performance and suitability.
3·Parents need to understand as hard as it maybe that just as there were bad things when they were growing up, their children are facing the same things.
4·Many physical illnesses and medications can cause similar symptoms, and if a patient is facing real hardship, it can be hard to draw the line between appropriate sadness and a clinical problem.
5·Awesome companies are facing a talent crunch, and finding the most awesome software people out there is hard.
6·So it is hard to muster sympathy for lawyers facing a tighter labour market.
7·Facing rapid transformation, the neighborhood now stands at a crossroad, trying hard to keep its unique cultural identity in the midst of a rental surge.
8·You might have to do things which are hard or scary - like going back to college, facing up to someone, or tackling a big issue in your life.
9·But even Banks are facing a world in which hard-to-assess data are piling up.
10·Despite its rapid ascent, Global Zero, as it prepares for next week's summit, is facing problems that it may find hard to overcome.