1·In this paper, direct platemaking technology is briefed, frequency modulated half tone dot technology (principles, characters and technologics) is emphasized.
2·In the printing process, a continuous tone picture image in the original is converted in a half tone image on the printed material by using screen dots printing technique.
3·"Then I will try again," said George, in a decided tone; and, flinging aside his half-made kite, he turned and re-entered the house, and was soon bending in earnest attention over his lesson.
4·More than half of babies later diagnosed with autism had abnormal arm tone - either too floppy or too rigid - compared to 22% of babies that developed normally.
5·So, in the first half of Mr Bush's speech he struck a bipartisan tone.
6·The whole tone scale has no half steps: each note in the 6-note scale is a whole step from the next.
7·Bump exposure: Method of increasing highlight contrast when producing a half-tone by removing the screen briefly to remove any dots in the highlight area.
8·He was talking in rather a superior tone with his eyes half shut; that was why he didn't see the changed expression in the faces of Hwin and Aravis.
9·Zinco a line or coarse screen half-tone block etched on zinc for letterpress printing. see zinc engraving.
10·A new method to detect laser mode by using half-tone processing technique is presented.