1·The gray value of signal point is unchanged.
2·Symbiotic Matrix and feature extraction in the application for two or gray value image feature extraction.
3·It has a law of random distribution, and significantly higher than that of its surrounding pixel gray value.
4·However, at present image used in the laser carving is processed by the method of calculating its gray value.
5·This function can use a variety of different parameters (to define a gray value, or a Red-Green-Blue [RGB] color).
此函数可以使用各种不同的参数(来定义一个灰度值或Red - Green - Blue [rgb]颜色)。
6·The smaller the gray value, the higher the staining degree was, and the more the immune deposition of VCAM 1 was.
7·Only considering the gray value of objects is not sufficient to extract the thematic information-objects boundary.
8·The edge position, visible area and the mean of gray value of flame also be discussed by analyzing the flame images.
9·The latter carries on the processing of the gray value of each pixel directly at the two-dimensional space to which the image belongs.
10·For less than the threshold gray value directly set pixel gray value of 0 gray value greater than the threshold value is set to 255 pixels directly.