1·Make good by doing good.
2·that is to say, of knowing good by evil.
3·These are not particularly good by current standards.
4·Maybe I can even end up looking good by getting a great return on this investment.
5·Such low bond yields do give the equity bulls one more (fairly powerful) argument-that dividend yields look good by comparison.
6·Even Mr Gates, who was widely reviled for his business activities, probably did more good by amassing his fortune than he is doing by giving it away.
7·Adam, by tasting the apple, came into a knowledge of good, and he was only able to know this good by means of the experience of the knowledge of evil.
8·Banks can offer to make regulators look good by agreeing to significant rules or legislation that would increase the regulators' prestige and visibility.
9·This leaving of the younger children she had decided to be for the best; were she to remain they would probably gain less good by her precepts than harm by her example.
10·Not everyone's a master pie-maker—so use your own culinary skills for good by baking up a few dozen extra pumpkin pies and other assorted goodies to sell in advance of the big day.