1·This will give us new insights for the treatment for liver fibrosis, and it will give us the platform to test new treatments.
2·It's worth contrasting what you've already got in the JEE platform with what an ESB would give you.
对比你在JEE平台中已经获得的东西和ES B能带给你的东西很有价值。
3·IBM Cognos is the platform that provides the necessary analytics for manufacturing supervisors to give fast but accurate recommendations based on production schedules and output performance.
IBM Cognos是一个为生产监管者提供必要的分析功能的平台,从而能够根据生产调度和输出性能给出快速但准确的建议。
4·Dubbed Newspass, according to the Italian online publication la Repubblica.it, the platform would give publishers a pay wall. La Repubblica.it.
5·Can you give InfoQ readers an overview of the AIR platform?
6·Microsoft is determined to give developers a strong platform on mobile devices beyond the Nokia Symbian OS.
微软是决心给予开发人员一个用于移动设备上的强大平台,其将超越Nokia Symbian OS现有的开发平台。
7·Its aim is to abstract away some of the complex platform-specific details of dealing with files and directories and to give programmers more power and flexibility, and it has achieved this well.
8·"The idea is to give people a platform where they can really improve the quality of their lives," says Runner.
9·While they have been loosening up some cross-platform restrictions, they are not willing to give an inch to anyone they see as a competitor.
10·These give us, respectively, an interface definition language, a wire format, and a type system, all of which are platform neutral.
它们分别为我们提供了一种接口定义语言、一种有线格式(wire format)和一个类型系统,所有这些都是与平台无关的。