give grade



1·My ninth-grade art teacher doesn't give any grade above 94% because, she says, "There's always room for improvement."


2·Most of the ELC teachers will give you a low grade if you are often late.


3·Sylvia glared at me as I passed her desk to give the teacher, Mrs. Stephens (the new grade five teacher) my work.


4·The dean says that they will bring an interesting perspective to the class, although, at least half jokingly, he worries about the first time he has to give either a bad grade.


5·About a month ago I was invited to give a brief talk to my nephew Gianni’s first grade class—nothing too deep, mind you, rather simply about what it’s like living in a foreign place such as Belfast.

大概一个月前我受邀给我外甥女詹妮所在的一年级做一个简短的讲座,不要深奥的,请注意,相当地简单,比如生活在一个陌生的地方会是什么样子? 就像贝尔法斯特。

6·This time, Brother didn't laugh much, he sighed a bit and asked me to give him the picture, "Kuan, after I grade this, can I keep it to show the other classes how to fail art class?


7·When it comes to protecting the privacy of their children, US parents give social networks a failing grade.


8·When it comes to protecting the privacy of their children, US parents give social networks a failing grade .


9·Even as a family member, I could not give him even a passing grade for his delivery of a policy speech, or for the question-and-answer sessions after he became prime minister.


10·I say if you're going to give us a laundry list of names, at least out your 4th grade English teacher along the way, as Tom Hanks once did.

要我说,如果你真的要给出一箩筐人名,至少要参考Tom Hanks的感言,也说说四年级的英语老师。

更新时间:2025-03-19 21:46