1·To give an idea of the scale of the problem.
2·The timing bars give an idea of any bottlenecks in the application.
3·To give an idea of his scope and method, I will summarize some parts of the Opus Majus.
4·A knowledge of soil mechanics is essential, since this will give an idea of the likely settlements.
5·The artist has roughed in some buildings to give an idea of the general look of the place hen it's built.
6·To give an idea of the scale, the default rate in 1933 was 15.4%; in the early 1990s recession, it reached 12%.
7·JUnit timings reporting how long each test case takes to run will give an idea of where any performance problems lie.
8·You’ll want to give an idea of how many different accounts you have had an impact on and how that success drives your company’s bottom line.
9·You'll want to give an idea of how many different accounts you have had an impact on and how that success drives your company's bottom line.
10·There are certainly many more, but this list should begin to give an idea of the qualities that begin to compose an individual dog's working temperament.