1·They’ve got to get wage growth.
米舍尔说, “他们已经获得了工资的增长。”
2·All this, says Christopher Wood of CLSA, a broker, is "unambiguously positive", because companies will regain their pricing power and because employees will, in time, get wage rises.
CLSA的一位名叫Christopher Wood的经纪称这一切是“绝对利好”,因为公司将重新掌握定价权,届时员工也将获得加薪。
3·You see, we get very low wages, most of the time less than the minimum wage.
4·This slim volume is packed with tips to help wage slaves as well as lottery winners get the most "happiness bang for your buck".
5·If you carry the cabinet of cabbage garbage to the garage, you'll get an average wage.
6·If you carry the cabinet of cabbage garbage to the garage, you 'll get an average wage.
7·The minimum wage is just 800 bolívares a month, although many workers with formal jobs get a bonus of around 250 bolívares for food.
8·But that means that childcare workers, for example, have to be paid a decent wage and get decent training.
9·I'll take 2003 wage rate, use 2009 projections to get an annual growth rate, this is very simple math, easily argue against.
10·The benefits they get also vary a lot from state to state, but overall are among the lowest in the OECD when compared with the average wage.