1·You serve in the army for a few years, and when you retire, you get a US military subsidy.
2·Other women were assigned to the control group and didn't get the rent subsidy.
3·Here, you would think, is one subsidy that any Republican fiscal conservative in his right mind would want to get rid of.
4·A better alternative would be to claw back the subsidy Banks get through being too big to fail.
5·After I graduated from university, I could get 46 Yuan wage every month and 8 Yuan subsidy for outgoing.
6·Soon, everybody will get the subsidy.
7·“The smell from the rubber is unbearable,” a migrant worker told the South China Morning Post, “but we don’t even get a toxic fumes subsidy.”
8·And good intentions can backfire: "enterprise zones" and other regional tax incentives often shift jobs away from places that don't get the subsidy, rather than create new ones.
9·In return, the poorest buyers get a subsidy.
10·At the moment, the top 10% of earners in this country get twice as much tax 7 subsidy from all of the rest of you when they make contributions to their 8 pension pot than everybody else.