1·Why not get a new pair?
2·Their philosophy is that extending the life of a pair of jeans is not only great for the environment, but allows the consumer to get more value out of their product.
3·She asked the clerk to get a pair of socks for the boy.
4·A new pair of running tights or a cozy fleece will help motivate you to get out for a run.
5·It's equally important to get a pair of shoes in gold as well as in silver.
6·Simply sporting a pair of Skechers' fitness shoes is not going to get you Kim Kardashian's curves.
7·Now, we can conclude that the comfort that you get in barefoot walking cannot be obtained by wearing any pair of shoes or any other footwear no matter how well fitted they are.
8·A buyer from France can get the same pair for about 80 Euros; just two years ago she would have had to spend 102 Euros.
9·Get a new pair delivered from 1-800-TIGHTS.
10·If you absolutely hate the practice (and most programmers either love or hate the "controversial" practices, like pair programming), vent if you must, but get over it.