1·The next time someone says to you, "Get a job," I suggest you reply as Curly did: "no, please.".. not that!
2·If someone gives you a lousy gift, simply say, "Thank you." if you pretend to like it, you may get more of the same next year.
3·You get a free plot of land for a house, but you have to agree to live next to someone of the opposite ethnic group.
4·B: Well listen, if you need someone to show you the sights then just call me. I' m having a little get-together at my new apartment next week so if you want to drop by then.
5·Next, I once heard someone calling my name. I woke up at midnight. It was only a dream. It is my mother told me to get up.
6·The next time you see someone in trouble, instead of just pass by or feeling guilty about being unable to help, get excited about what you can do.