1·Your video game playing could be preparing you for a career such as a pilot.
2·NEWS: Digital Cubes Offer Wireless, Interactive Game playing.
3·In this article, I identified a new scenario: game playing as a lifestyle.
4·Identify a new scenario — game playing as a lifestyle — and the resulting requirements.
5·The favorite online activity for teens, however, is not social networking - it's game playing.
6·Machine learning USES run the gamut from game playing to fraud detection to stock-market analysis.
7·Bavelier studies the effect of action-video-game playing on people's ability to split attention and multitask.
巴维利尔研究的是一种动作视频游戏产生的效果。 这种游戏靠人的注意力分散能力和多任务操作能力进行。
8·There's also been a lot of debate about whether excessive video game playing should be considered a mental illness or not.
9·I've heard executives say that they can't win this battle of conscience because expediencies require lies, cover-ups, deceit, or game playing.
10·Gardening, game playing, working with art supplies, and music are all good resources; it is not important to spend a lot of money or buy "kits".
其他方面,如园艺、游戏、从事艺术类服务、音乐等,也都是良好的学习资源。 至于是否要花很多钱,或者去购买各种成套资料,都不重要。