1·It is twin-door with a total capacity of 230 litres and has a frost free defrost system.
2·According to the model, the temperature distribution of the frost free heat exchange is simulated.
3·This would of course mean a perfectly situated greenhouse or an outside location in a frost free climate.
4·If you are growing in a greenhouse or outside in frost free conditions, sufficient light is not your problem.
5·Today's modern, frost-free refrigerators work to draw the moisture out of the air, and consequently also out of the food.
6·Chenghai is located in the subtropical zone, a subtropical monsoon climate, warm and pleasant, very hot short, a long frost-free period, the Four Seasons is not clear.
7·Rainfall is concentrated in the July and August months, mostly in the form of thundershowers and rainstorms. About 180 ~ 200 days in the year are frost-free.
主要降水集中在七、八月份,且多雷阵雨,有时有大暴雨,全年无霜期为180 ~ 200天。
8·With an annual average temperature of 12 degrees centigrade, and rainfall of 590 millimeters, it has 220 frost-free days per year.
9·But asteroids were generally thought to be dry. Or at least frost-free.
10·Today's modern frost-free refrigerators work to draw the moisture out of the air and consequently also out of the food.