frequency histogram



1·The model types include frequency histogram, cumulative frequency distributing graph and theoretical model with double logarithmic coordinates.


2·In this paper, we introduce the data analysis used in quality management and the procedure and method for constructing the frequency histogram through the practical examples.


3·The common frequency histogram method is not applicable to analyze the small sample data, because it is sensitive to the analysis parameters such as the starting point and the interval step.


4·Since it is a range predicate and there are no frequency and histogram statistics available, the filter factor is calculated with the basic statistics information HIGH2KEY and LOW2KEY.


5·Notice the odd roughness of the dense histogram in the region around 7-12 degrees, with both very high frequency of some measurements and unexpectedly low frequencies of others.

注意,在稠密直方图中 7-12 度附近出现了偶然性的不平滑,有一些温度频率非常高, 也有一些频率出人意料地低。

6·Statistics histogram data processing scheme is designed. Standard deviation of frequency modulation is found out according to normal distribution characteristics.


7·Proved—theoretically and experimentally—the effectiveness of the moments in frequency domain of histogram as features for steganalysis.


8·By analyzing the AD converting results, histogram test of ADC can be taken, and the oscillation frequency can be checked, by which means oscillation test of the analog core is realized too.

通过分析A/D转换结果,可对ADC 进行柱状图测试,并同时检测模拟核的振荡频率,实现对模拟核的振荡测试。

9·In one embodiment, the spectral plot that is generated is a histogram of stochastic resonance events over the selected frequency range.


10·The frequency polygon is simpler than its histogram counterpart.


更新时间:2025-03-07 11:08