1·Above all the fragrant wood were hung banners of five colours.
2·Leonard Wood - Twain called him Theodore Roosevelt's "fragrant pet" - gave the order to "kill or capture" the 600.
Leonard Wood——被吐温戏称为西奥多·罗斯福“芳香的宠物”——下令“杀死或俘虏”这600个人。
3·But the fragrant dank beckoned with wild garlic, wood sorrel and magnolia still tight in the bud.
4·Then we would sit down at the mah jong table. My table was from my family and was of a very fragrant red wood, not what you call rosewood, but hong mu, which is so fine there's no English word for it.
5·The pools are built from volcanic rock columns and fragrant cypress wood, with volcanic rocks.