1·So, using our simple valence bond theory, what we would expect is that we want to pair up any unpaired electrons in methane with unpaired electrons from hydrogen and form bonds.
2·The atoms bond together to form a molecule.
3·I wish I was an Ion so I could form an exothermic bond with you.
4·Behind the scenes Germany has been pushing for Greece to "reprofile" its debt-a soft form of restructuring that would leave principal and coupon payments intact but extend bond maturities.
5·A subtle spiritual bond, consisting in the agency of thought, is what gives unity to all these contents, and it was this bond, the form as form, that Aristotle noted and described.
6·Many spiritual teachers point out that we form a strong bond to the people we feel injured us.
7·What's more, they've shown that these amino acids can react with each other to form a different kind of chemical bond to those which usually hold proteins together in their three-dimensional shape.
8·The pain is spread out over a longer period. But pain there will be, in the form of higher taxes, higher bond yields, slower growth or a combination of all three.
9·And ultimately we are going to get to this state where we are going to form a bond.
10·So it already should make sense why we have that p orbital there, in order to form a pi bond, we're going to need a p orbital.