follow practice



1·If you follow the practice of test-driven development, you will actually develop your tests before you develop your code.


2·It is a general good practice to wrap common complex code in this way to make it easier for implementers to follow your development standards.


3·There's another subtle advantage, if you follow a pretty common practice to store HTML files in sub-directories.

如果您按照十分常见的实践将 HTML 文件存储在子目录中,则还有另一个小小的优点。

4·In practice, a user who does not leverage IGAA would most likely follow the same or similar steps, but simply without the benefit of a tool for guidance.


5·Finally, I demonstrated how you can follow best practice by creating a library of methods and classes to ease GUI development.


6·Once you have learned to put your SI joint back into place, make sure it is properly located before each yoga practice and follow the preventive steps above to keep it there.


7·The doctors performed minor surgery and referred me to a local practice for a follow-up.


8·While this might not follow the best practice in servlet and JSP development, the intent here is to show the JAX-RPC service invocation.

这可能并不遵循Servlet和JSP开发中的最佳实践,但此处的目的是为了说明如何进行JAX - RPC服务调用。

9·Erich Gamma: a practice that we follow is to assign a component to a group.

Erich Gamma:我们所遵循的实践是每个团队分配一个组件的开发。

10·To implement this practice, Struts recommends you follow these steps.
