focal mechanism

[地震] 震源机制
[地震] 震源机制;震源机构


1·The focal mechanism is mainly left-lateral strike-slip, with a small thrust component.


2·The focal mechanism solution of 15 earthquakes in Fujian Shuikou reservoir area is calculated.


3·We used the results of focal mechanism solution to explain abnormal characteristics of tilt very well.


4·These focal mechanism solutions showed different property in the 4 quadrants. And the property in opposite quadrant was close.


5·The location of the earthquakes; tomographic imaging; focal mechanism; pseudo-bending ray tracing; the integral of the wavenumber.

震源定位; 层析成像; 震源机制; 伪弯曲法射线追踪; 波数积分。

6·The focal mechanism of the M4.9 earthquake shows that it belongs to strike slip type that is similar to the M6.4 earthquake in 1969.


7·Moreover, most aftershocks of strong earthquake are small and moderate events, which provide important information on focal mechanism of mainshock.


8·Their focal mechanism solutions show that the nearly E-W or WNW-ESE horizontal tensional stress controls the lithospheric stress field in the region.


9·According to focal mechanism, the directions of main press stress of the two are NNW in the seismic area but the fault plane solutions are different.


10·The average focal mechanism of the swarm area has been inversed from the spatial distribution of the polarities of 2177 P-wave initial motions in the Jaishi swarm.

根据伽师震群地震的2 1 77个P波初动方向记录,计算了伽师震群的平均震源机制解。

更新时间:2025-03-27 13:06