1·From the epicenter of the distance to the source told focal depth.
2·Focal depth of laser beam is advanced by diffraction optical element in this paper.
3·A modified fractal zone plate (FZP) with the character of extending the focal depth is proposed.
4·The local horizontal dislocation reaches about 4 km in the medium at the focal depth, where the upper mantle rises.
5·The principle for improving microlithographic resolution and focal depth with phaseshifting mask is described in detail in the paper.
6·The analysis of the lateral and axial properties shows that the focal depth of the modified FZP is larger than the FZP under the broadband lighting.
7·Focal depth plays an important role in optical storage systems, and high focal depth makes the focusing servo system easy to track the disk surface.
8·The major features of this method are: (1) it separates estimations of focal depth and origin time from estimations of epicenter location corrections;
9·Focal depth of the earthquake is the most in 1963 in Indonesia Irian Jaya province in northern waters of the 5.8 earthquake, the focal depth of 786 km.
10·The rupture surface is to NNE, similar to gradient belt of focal depth, gradient belt of crustal deformation, isoseisms and extended direction of earthquakes.