1·The Airlander will need to have 200 hours' flying time before being allowed to fly by the aviation administration.
2·Sometimes, a car will fly by in the air.
3·When I do test-driven development, the hours fly by.
4·All sorts of text will fly by until you get to a fragment that looks like this.
5·You can experiment with different modes on the fly by running ps3videomode -v .
您也可以使用 ps3videomode -v 命令动态地体验各种模式。
6·When you start a Grails application, most of the messages that fly by on the command prompt are log4j messages.
7·But they were competing against opponents who couldn't change the rules on the fly by discovering new technology.
8·A newly discovered asteroid, 2010 GA6, will safely fly by Earth this Thursday at 4:06 p.m. Pacific (23:06 U.T.C.).
9·Lauren Arvonio, a spokeswoman for Mindset Media, said sneakers were more likely to fly by the seat of their pants.
10·When it comes to E-mail, backups may seem less important, but in fact many of our daily interactions fly by over E-mail.