1·During the race, I was able to get 10th at the first lap and I felt things were flowing well.
2·This paper studies pressure drop and build up in flowing well, including conventional and modern analysis method.
3·But I pay close attention to feedback from universal consciousness, such as whether my life is flowing well or not.
4·Christmas tree on a flowing well that is made of individual valves instead of manufactured out of a solid metal block.
5·There is difficulty to confirm the bottom-hole pressure accurately and low accuracy and reliability when this kind well explained by using well testing model of flowing well.
6·But it could be that, well, imagine that my vector field accidentally goes in the opposite direction then this part of the curve, while things are flowing to the left, contributes negatively to flux.
7·Hear, o Israel, and be careful to obey so that it may go well with you and that you may increase greatly in a land flowing with milk and honey, just as the LORD, the God of your fathers, promised you.
8·China has a long history of gray-market financing flowing from small, informal and unregulated groups, to sectors not well covered by Banks.
9·But this crisis was born of economic excess as well as financial folly; given the torrent of capital flowing into America, Britain, Spain and so on, almost any financial system would have gone wrong.
10·These days it's flowing amazingly well, so I figure I'm on the right track.