1·This is the floor light switch.
2·The ceiling light is vintage and the floor lights are from a design shop in Seefeld (a quartier in the city).
3·The main parameters and structural characteristics of Portland low floor light rail cars are described. And the acceptance test for the cars are briefed.
介绍了目前国内外 低 地板轻轨车辆采用的制动技术,并阐述其工作原理和联合作用模式。
4·The activities include CO2 limbo dancing, where the bar is low for low-carbon nations and high for the industrial West, and a silent disco where dancing makes the dance floor light up.
5·This impressive display is clearly visible in the light spectrum illuminating the forest floor.
6·The forest floor is the lowest layer full of animal life and receives the least amount of light.
7·The team of scientists captured the sea creatures using special low-light sensitive, custom designed remote controlled cameras, which sat on the sea floor.
8·Even if each floor rotates its crops past the Windows so that all plants receive an equal amount of natural light, overall they would get less light, and so produce less biomass, says Dr Caplow.
9·We sit at my kitchen table as the sun designs a mosaic of light on the tile floor.
10·A darker floor with light walls and a lighter ceiling will make a room look taller and larger.