flash player

Flash播放器:一种用于播放Adobe Flash格式的多媒体和应用程序的软件。
Flash播放器:一种用于播放Adobe Flash格式的多媒体和应用程序的软件。


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1·Flash Player events such as the timer and mouse events.

Flash Player事件,比如计时器和鼠标事件。

2·Flash Player is the primary method of delivering video on the web.

Flash Player是在web中发布视频的主要方式。

3·To run the examples, you will need the Flash Player, version 10 or higher.

为了运行示例程序,需要Flash Player的第10版或更高版本。

4·This tag is used to load the Flash player and pass in the proper parameters.


5·The Flash player plays the application in the case of an SWF-formatted response.

如果返回的格式为 SWF, 则由 Flash 播放器播放应用程序。

6·Flex is written in ActionScript 3, the programming language of the Flash player.

Flex是用Flash播放器的编程语言actionscript 3编写的。

7·This .swf file can run in the Flash player or can be embedded in an HTML wrapper.

swf 文件可以在 Flash 播放器中运行,或者内嵌在 HTML 中。

8·OpenLaszlo applications are compatible with versions 7, 8, and 9 of Flash Player.

OpenLaszlo 应用程序可以兼容 7、8 和 9 版本的 Flash 播放器。

9·Playable on all browsers and the newer mobile platforms, if you include a Flash player.


10·These new features are initially available as a Flash Player beta on the Adobe Labs site.

通过在 Adobe Labs网站中下载Flash播放器的一个Beta版,你可以体验到这些新功能。