1·Optical scanning device, light screening material, method for screening flare light, and image formation apparatus.
2·One trick for reducing it is to slowly bring up the background light until it reads 255 on the historgram. If it pushes past 255, it will add unnecessary flare.
3·As final touches, aimed to eliminate some "fake CG looks", we added to all the images some slight chromatic aberration, a very subtle vignette, a few glow and some flare effects on light source.
4·That's what we seek as musicians: to light that tiny flare (or bonfire) of originality and individuality.
5·As final touches, aimed to eliminate some "fake CG looks", we added to all the images some chromatic aberration, a very subtle vignette, a few glows and some flare effects on the light source.
6·In addition, LPG is now directly used as displacing gas instead of the fuel gas at the start up period, and no light component exhausts to the flare system, so the gas loss is reduced.
7·At the end of the thesis, I select lens flare technology to create the signal light model to increase the realistic of the visualization scenery.
8·The cloth catches the light from a ceiling and invests flare of the light in the whole more.
9·The paper described practice of FCC plant starting and shutdown without flare, to decrease loss of light hydrocarbon and environment pollution.
10·The rest is left upon you own creativity. You can add some lighting effect and render some lens flare to create more dynamic light.