fixed mount



1·Experimental equipment is made up of temperature controller, electric thermo-couple, heating ring, fixed mount, steel pipe.


2·Shock Floats on Two Moving Linkages Fixed mount suspension designs attach the shock to one top moving link while the bottom mount is fixed to the frame.


3·In the balance design, even distributed mass is required, special slip ring is taken to get electric signal and fixed mount is used at balance rear end to eliminate vibration.


4·The entity issuing the bond promises to pay the bondholder the amount borrowed (called principal) at a designated future date plus a fixed a mount of interest.


5·Fixed: Cannot mount minibike when bike is in tall grass, stick bushes, or corn stalks.


6·An anti-jam assembly for incorporation in an article destroying appliance includes a fixed core mount assembly including a first support member spaced apart from a second support member.


7·Most suspension systems attach the shock to a moving linkage at the top, and a fixed frame mount on the bottom.


8·The first built-in fitment in describing is hang fitment that can mount on a bathroom the old outlet pipe or tube angle to make fixed pole hanging.

所述的第一固定件为可勾挂 于浴室中原有出水管或角管上而使固定杆悬空的吊挂件。

9·The CCC1380UH6X CCC1380UH Series ultra high resolution camera has a standard CS lens mount and can be used with fixed, manual, or auto iris (DC or video drive) lenses.

该CCC 1380uh 6x CCC 1380uh系列超高分辨率相机有一个标准的政务司司长镜头接口,可用于固定,手动,或者自动光圈(直流或视频驱动)镜头。



更新时间:2025-03-07 16:20