1·Usually guests do not pay a fee for service in small hotels.
2·In addition, prescription of an injection sometimes allows the charging of a higher fee for service.
3·Payment system for public health service includes global budget, fee for service, capitation, salary, performance-related pay, line budget, preventive service account and periodic health visit fee.
4·Virtually all experts agree that the fee-for-service system—doctors are rewarded for the quantity of care rather than its quality or effectiveness—is a primary reason that the cost of care is so high.
5·The shopkeeper will charge a small fee for the service. Villagers will no longer have to waste days trekking to the nearest town to get to a bank.
6·They do however offer assistance qualifying for discounts or fundraising the cost of your service program fee.
7·The service, which is expected to only be available in the us at first, would see customers pay an annual fee for access to a library of ebooks.
8·In countries where hospital treatment is offered on a fee-for-service basis, such in China, this can create a major barrier to referral for treatment under the national tuberculosis programmes.
9·The robot, which is not a regular feature of the program and which participants tried for about a week each, costs $6,000 plus a monthly $100 service fee.
10·The robot, which is not a regular feature of the program and which participants tried for about a week each, costs $6, 000 plus a monthly $100 service fee.