1·Changes in pressures can be caused not only by changing external temperature.
2·The novel highest and lowest thermometer is suitable for measuring external temperature.
本实 用新型适合测量外界的温度。
3·Rather like blood circulating in our veins, inside the termites nest it is air that is moved by external temperature and pressures.
4·Note: the operations from day 3 to day 12 depend on site crew, re-bar complexity, concrete type, external temperature, etc. and are estimation from past jobs.
5·Considering the effect on permafrost table, there is a kind of dynamic equivalence to some degree among pavement types, external temperature and embankment heights.
6·When the external temperature rises, the gel component starts to break down and become less viscous, creating new pathways through which the sol can flow and speeding up the cell's movement.
7·The parts have a standard voltage input, which together with the differential reference input allows easy interface to an external temperature sensor, such as an RTD, thermistor, or diode.
8·In the mass concrete construction in cement plants, cracks in the concrete may be controlled by reducing the hydration heat and cooling with water to control the internal and external temperature.
9·If the temperature reading is below the set point, turn off external ventilation.
10·If the temperature reading is below the set point, turn on external ventilation.