1·The term expectation value is often used instead of average value.
2·Discusses the consulting organization's expectation value, user's expectation value and the real exchange price of information consulting service.
3·Whether college students expectation value is reasonable may directly influence the graduates attitude to choice of jobs and employment after graduation.
4·The expectation value of an observable bridges a quantum quantity with a certain classical quantity, but one must pay attention to the way of the bridging.
5·Build mathematical model of quantitative analysis, confirm the expectation value of light intensity, build standard work curve, improving analysis precision.
6·Age and gender factors have significant influence on individual risk decision-making, when in the profit situation which is added to loss expectation value of small probability.
7·This is reflected in the fact that the vacuum expectation value of the field squared is nonzero in quantum field theory. Therefore there exist the so called vacuum fluctuations.
8·Age and entrepreneurial intention have significant influence on individual risk decision-making, when in the loss situation which is added to profit expectation value of small probability.
9·In the quantum statistical theory, the density operator is introduced in the statistical system. The expectation value of an obeservable can be obtained by the use of the density operator.
10·A weighted critical path algorithm was provided to calculate the expectation value of the workflow's duration, record the process of reduction, and identify the time-oriented critical path.