1·Prove and enhance relationship with customer , or establish strategy alliance when necessary;
2·With enough rock cores, we also can through the rock mechanics experiment, enhance relationship relevance between the well logging data and the rock mechanics parameter.
3·Love lives inside of you. If you rely on yourself to fill the empty Spaces, you will take a lot of pressure off of your spouse, which in turn can only enhance the relationship.
4·One thing led to another, however, and we eventually concluded that perhaps a more strategic and financial relationship with Baidu would actually enhance the company's ability to succeed.
5·Atmosphere is created by attitudes, and certain attitudes enhance or hinder our relationship with God.
6·What should the two countries do to further enhance their bilateral relationship at present and in the next ten years and in what areas should they strengthen cooperation?
7·Enhance business partner and customer relationship.
8·I'm committed to ensuring that the cooperation between our two countries will enhance the bilateral relationship and meet the challenges currently facing the global community.
9·A form is a means to establish or enhance a relationship between the user and the organization.
10·The model can effectively build up a high efficient and reliable trust relationship between peers, prevent malicious attack and enhance security and efficiency of the P2P networks.
利用该模型可以在两个对等实体之间建立高效、可靠的信任关系,有效防止恶意攻击,提高P 2 P网络的效率和安全。