1·Endemism in the ligneous flora of eastern Asia.
2·Endemism of vertebrates and invertebrates is also very high.
3·There were a certain amount of rare and protected plants. However, endemism in this area was not obvious, and only contained 1 genus and 9 species endemic to China.
4·The relic genera once occupied huge areas in North Hemisphere in the Tertiary or the late Cretaceous, while neo-endemism was mostly originated in the late Tertiary .
从起源上看, 被子植物的古特有属主要发生于晚白垩纪和早第三纪,地质历史上大都占有广阔的分布区;
5·Sheila Conant: Hawaii is unique in its rate of what we call endemism. And that is the existence of species that occur in Hawaii and they occur nowhere else in the world.