1·The "multiple-order en echelon" pattern is one of the important geometric characteristics of the fault zone.
2·The fissure lens group, in en echelon arrangement, is ease to be developed and conserved in the weak strain domain of tectonic lens.
3·The stress fields of en echelon faults with different geometry and mechanical conditions were considered by dynamically numerical simulation.
4·Some large strike slip faults, such as the Xianshuihe fault, consist of main fault and several sub-faults, which are commonly arranged as en echelon (or parallel) pattern.
5·The spatiotemporal characteristics of acoustic emission (AE) during the deformation of rock samples with compressional and extensional en-echelon faults have been studied.
6·The fault movement and the direction of principal stresses may be determined by considering the relationship between the different secondary structures and en-echelon patterns.
7·En-echelon faults are a basic characteristic of fault combination in a shear zone.
8·It serves not only as a geographic boundary but also as pre-tertiary en-echelon drapes and a Cenozoic tectonic conversion zone controlled by the basement fault zone.