1·Seifert decided to employ a method she has studied, "predictive encoding," a process to prime her mind to recognize such a study partner if she happened upon him.
2·The method allows you to apply factors to an estimate as they emerge on the course of implementation, which makes it suitable for projects that employ Agile and iterative methodologies.
3·In this application, you employ the loadurl method with a fully qualified path for the index.html file packaged as an asset of the project.
在这个应用程序中,您采用loadurl方法,带有到打包为项目资产的index . html文件的全限定路径。
4·The most common method of measurement is to employ rating scales in which employees report their reactions and responses to their jobs.
5·The ultimate of college English teaching is to cultivate students applied competence. An effective method to realize this goal is to employ interactive approach in English class.
6·Why didn't you employ the new method?
7·In view of teaching method, changing the passive study under traditional mode into active knowledge - seek, remote education can motivate the learners to fully employ their learning potential.
8·In view of teaching method, changing the passive study under traditional mode into active knowledge-seek, remote education can motivate the learners to fully employ their learning potential.
9·Therefore, we need constantly perfect the public servant merit system and improve the checking method, so as that we can choose and employ the talents fairly, impartially and objectively.
10·The system using data compression method stores 33 prime messages and 0-26 important update messages of every employ.