1·Like radio buttons, list controls are powerful tools for simplifying interaction because they eliminate the possibility of making an invalid selection.
2·Pressurized containers contain a tremendous amount of stored energy. Proper handling and use of cylinders is required to eliminate the possibility of uncontrolled releases.
3·Although the market proportion of the plans is not big, the huge possibility can be shown, which can also eliminate the bitterness of customers when they wait in line.
4·To eliminate any possibility of a mistaken identity, analysts use several different probes to look at several different DNA fragment patterns in a sample.
5·The failure causes of the finned tubes of an ethylene cracking furnace were analyzed, and some corresponding countermeasures were applied to eliminate the failure possibility.
6·On last Monday, the building's architect had examined how the nest could be rebuilt in a way that would satisfy bird lovers and eliminate the possibility of falling debris.