effect combine



1·The measures combine both "steps to cope with short-term emergencies" and "a mechanism that aims for long-term effect", the statement said.

这篇声明指出 这些措施将短期的处理紧急事件的方法和以长期效应为目标的机制结合起来。

2·It's also possible to combine multiple color changes to achieve a color cycle effect.


3·You can combine multiple animate elements on a single SVG object to produce a particular effect.


4·The biggest change in the way that I sketch is how I've started to combine sketches with other tools to powerful effect.


5·The two that I’m on right now combine for one really annoying side effect.


6·One possibility is to combine an anticonvulsant with an antioxidant to increase the protective effect.


7·According to lead author Dr. Arpana Agrawal, “Nature and nurture don’t just combine to produce a woman who smokes, drinks, or uses drugs – nurture can also increase the effect of nature.”

据主要作者 Arpana Agrawal 博士所说,“先天因素和后天因素并非单纯地合并起来形成了一个吸烟、喝酒,或者吸毒的女人——后天因素也会增强先天因素的作用。”

8·The facade design shall completely combine with shopping mall landscape and light effect design to create the perfect business mark.


9·In effect, now the example has two XML files, products.xml and codes.xml, that you need to combine to create the HTML document.

实际上,现在示例有两个xml文件,products . xml和codes . xml,您需要组合这两个文件来创建HTML文档。

10·Since neither of the suggestions can effectively solve this problem, it is worthwhile to combine them with other possible solutions to produce a better effect.


更新时间:2025-03-27 11:20