1·The path is an easy climb.
2·First, this tree is easy to climb.
3·Vista users, on the other hand, can upgrade to Windows 7 without a clean install. They might as well climb out of that train wreck, since it's easy.
另一方面,Vista用户毋需全新安装就可以升级到Windows 7,因为安装容易,他们极可能会从Vista残骸中爬出。
4·Behind the quarries there is a steep not so easy to climb which was a natural defence from this side.
5·Behind the quarries there is a steep, not so easy to climb, which was a natural defence from this side.
6·Community sites and a clear and recognizable forum--be it IRC, a mailing list, a newsgroup, or a web site--make it easy to climb the learning curve.
D 例如IRC, 邮件列表,新闻组, 或网站 ? D 这些都使学习曲线升高得更容易。
7·Choose sound rock - There is seldom a perfect placement and choosing sound rock is not as easy as it first appears especially when leading a climb.
8·The robots were required to drive a vehicle, climb up steps and do mechanical work. Such activities are easy for humans to perform, but more difficult for machines.
9·To climb up the ladder is easy.
10·It's not easy for the child to climb up the tall tree.