double byte

[计] 双字节
[计] 双字节,双位元组


1·A problem in which the line of dendrogram slips out of place in double byte languages was fixed.


2·These numeric values represent the number of bytes in single-byte data and the number of double bytes in graphic or double-byte data.


3·This standard specifies the graphic characters in the single-byte and double byte codes, as well as four-byte coding structure make provisions.


4·It gives double the LENGTH function value if double-byte data type is used as input.


5·This leads to non-support for the double-byte character input/output used by the Japanese, Korean, and Chinese character sets.


6·This means the default font setting in the system cannot display the characters for double-byte languages.


7·Generating PDF content for an international audience poses challenges, especially since the double-byte nature of languages like Japanese, Chinese, and Korean require special considerations.


8·This is especially true for double-byte language fonts, where the minimum height is generally larger than that of single-byte language fonts.


9·The second version demonstrates the additional steps needed to generate the PDF for double-byte languages

第二个版本示范了为双字节语言生成 PDF 需要添加的步骤。

10·The first version shows how the generated PDF cannot display double-byte languages properly without using the Unicode-embedded fonts.

第一个版本说明如果不使用嵌入式unicode字体,为何生成的PD F不能正确显示双字节语言。