1·The things people will do out of greed never cease to shock me.
2·If you live in an apartment building, removing your noisy shoes is the polite thing to do out of consideration for your downstairs neighbors.
3·Get rid of (or at least reduce) commitments that you do out of obligation.
4·As a child, we don't always realize that parents tell us what to do out of love.
5·I was able to view and record TV shows, something you can't do out of the box on an iMac.
6·What's more, people react to each other online the same way they do out in the real world.
7·Of course, there are a lot of things we should do out of basic human decency that often go undone.
8·You would never dream of killing a baby daughter, as they do out in the villages. But an abortion seems different.
9·I wouldn't accept mistakes if they are on things we practise in training in the week and then don't do out on the pitch.
10·In other words, people get more satisfaction out of their church friendships than they do out of other friendships in their lives.