diurnal change



1·Over water the diurnal change in refraction is likely to be small.


2·Besides, the diurnal change of AOD has the same tendency as that of the atmospheric stability.


3·If there were no drift or diurnal change, the differences would add up to zero around the loop.


4·The diurnal change of water potential and water content of roots at dry side opposed to the transpiration.


5·Air temperature and accumulation of stem SAP flow's diurnal change showed uniform trend with trunk stem SAP flow.


6·This paper was carried out to study the effect of water stress on the diurnal change of photosynthetic rate of Chinese dwarf cherry.


7·The diurnal change of transpiration rate of maize in different disposals was studied in potted experiment under the alternative drip irrigation for the control of root.


8·The next are the main results: (1)The diurnal change rule of the process of photosynthetic physiological of different trees has the connection with the characteristics of trees and soil moisture.

主要研究成果如下: (1)不同树种光合生理过程日变化规律不同树木光合生理过程日变化规律即与树种特性有关也与土壤水分密切相关。

9·The diurnal variation of light intensity, temperature showed relatively lower in the early morning and evening, and higher in the midday, while the relative humidity showed the reverse change trend.


10·The complex eigen period period and Q value of the FCN are evaluated based on the resonance observed in the diurnal tidal gravity, the gravity change due to the polar motion is also studied.

根据地球自由核章动在周日重力潮汐观测中的共振效应确定了自由核章动的复本征周期和品质因子Q 值,研究了极移重力效应;

更新时间:2025-03-15 07:29