1·Always store and use acetylene cylinders in an upright position to prevent loss of acetone which reduces the cylinder's ability to hold dissolved acetylene.
2·Dissolved acetylene cylinder is designed, manufactured and tested for acceptance in compliance with GB11638 The cylinder is widely used for storage and transportation of acetylene.
3·This paper describes the reason of adiabatic compression produced and its harm to the dissolved acetylene production. The measures to prevent accidents are also given in this paper.
4·Acetylene is a flammable gas stored in cylinders as a dissolved gas. The cylinders are filled with a porous material saturated with a solvent, usually acetone.
5·The acetylene overproof phenomena in a large transformer are analyzed with dissolved gas analysis, and based on its structures, the fault positions are determined.
6·Acetylene is a flammable gas stored in cylinders as a dissolved gas.
7·The dry-ashed sample was dissolved in water. The solution was sprayed into the air-acetylene flame and the absorption at 330.2/330.3nmwas measured.