1·The paper brief introduced the feasibility, handle operate steps and notice of RTK technique used in the survey of secondary control and detail survey, and detailed analyzed the precise of this way.
2·Using data from the U.S.Geological Survey, the scientists were able to calculate in detail how much land could be lost as seas rise, said study author Jeremy Weiss of the University of Arizona.
3·Using data from the U.S. Geological Survey, the scientists were able to calculate in detail how much land could be lost as seas rise, said study author Jeremy Weiss of the University of Arizona.
4·Using data from the U. S. Geological Survey, the scientists were able to calculate in detail how much land could be lost as seas rise, said study author Jeremy Weiss of the University of Arizona.
5·In a survey last year Deloitte found that only seven of 30 large Banks had done so in any detail.
6·Not every developer needs to know about concurrency in such detail, and not every engineer is up to the level of this book, but there's no better survey of concurrent programming than this.
7·The survey has mapped in detail areas previously hidden behind the Milky Way to better understand the impact they have on its motion in relation to the rest of the universe.
8·These photographs show the rift on October 26, 2011, when scientists returned to survey the glacier in greater detail.
9·The techniques of measurement and data-processing theory was discussed in detail on the basis of precision traverse control network measurement of the long tunnel holing-through survey.
10·The technology survey and system configuration are introduced, the realization of flue gas desulphurization automatic control functions are described in detail.