1·Should I delegate this task or just say no all together?
2·When a user claims a task, the user can delegate a portion of task to another user, which puts the human task in the subtask state.
3·When you delegate, you do lose control of how a task is done.
4·But if you'll just take a moment when you delegate the task, and give your employee some direction and training, it won't be long before she is able to do it as well as you.
5·It's not enough to simply delegate a task and go away; managers must also monitor the results of the delegation to ensure that the tasks are being performed correctly and on time.
6·A compromise is to generate a "business delegate" and associated session EJB components from the Task POJOs as shown in Figure 5.
折衷的方法是生成“业务代表”并与Task POJO中的会话ej b组件相关联,如图5所示。
7·When you delegate, as opposed to dumping, you give the other person the same authority to complete the task as if you had done it yourself.
8·Delegate. If you have subordinates or coworkers who can do a task or project, try to delegate it.
9·Again, tasks need to be completed in a timely fashion; if you're having trouble finishing a project, you must delegate to other team members, even if you happen to relish the task you're giving away.
10·Instead, they delegate that task to a component created by a renderer.