1·See if you can defer that decision because once you have the physical implementation in place, it constrains the other kinds of decisions you must consider.
2·Can I safely defer this decision?
3·We know that there are a lot of tools out there; therefore not knowing what exact tool we're going to choose isn't a risk to our project and this is a decision that we can safely defer.
4·But the essential thing here is precisely not to will to be able to defer decision.
5·The longer you can defer design decisions, the clearer the path once it comes time to commit to a decision that will have long-term implications.
6·Instead, they can defer that decision to assembly time by signaling their view state change.
7·We wish to defer our decision until next week.
8·You might think that storing the strings in an ArrayList would make the code simpler, easier to understand, and avoid duplication, but you might also choose to defer this decision for now.
9·EXAMPLE:Because we needed more detailed information, everyone at our monthly planning meeting agreed to defer a decision on the new proposal until our next meeting.
10·Can we defer making a decision until next week.