1·RA says that she does database administration work.
2·Learned how to set up your database administration.
3·Match impedance to long-cycle database administration.
4·A DB2 programmer wanted to shift into database administration.
一名DB 2程序员想转行从事数据库管理。
5·The Wizard creates the database administration logins on the system.
6·The data Service is realized by database administration system.
7·Data Studio Administrator is a comprehensive tool for change management and for database administration.
Data Studio Administrator是一个功能全面的修改管理和数据库管理工具。
8·Database administration tasks easily integrated with the new SQL Application Programming Interface (API).
9·For more information on the script or on the brdb6brt tool, refer to the SAP db6 Database Administration Guide.
要了解关于该脚本或brdb6brt工具的更多信息,请参阅SAP db 6 Database Administration Guide。
10·Moving from PODS3 to PODS4 with DB2 9 greatly simplified the UCLA Health System's database administration and replication tasks.
从PODS3迁移到PODS4和DB 2 9大大简化了UCLA Health System的数据库管理和复制任务。