1·Experience with GIS data compilation or incremental update.
2·Research workers have conducted a lot of research on the Dong dress culture and the Dong minority history, mainly focusing on data compilation and individual Dong area survey.
3·According to the accuracy demand about rounding off of figure provided for by "Code for Hydrologic Data Compilation" this paper puts forward the computer program for rounding off of figure.
4·It includes a wider range of surveyed countries than the first edition, as well as compilation of epidemiological data about mental illness in each country.
5·The compilation of the query on the remote server and fetching of enough data to fill the ATQ buffer on all legs of the UNION will proceed in parallel.
查询在远程服务器上的编译,以及取足够的数据来填充union所有分支上的AT Q缓冲区,这两个过程是并行进行的。
6·Because runtime compilation USES profiling data to guide its optimization, the JIT may well optimize the test code differently than it would real code.
7·These statistics dispense data on the basic JVM features, such as Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, class loading, memory allocation, and most interestingly, garbage collection.
这些统计信息涉及诸如即时 (JIT) 编译、类加载、内存分配以及最有趣的垃圾收集之类基本的 JVM 特性。
8·Static compilation time initialization for data structures.
9·As it executes, it gathers profiling data, used to decide which code sections are being executed frequently enough to merit compilation.
10·A semantic model is created by feeding a syntax tree back into the compilation so that it will be annotated with symbol data. The semantic model can then be queried for information such as.