1·The deformation process curve of the Wanjiazhai dam crest exhibits many peaks.
2·For those downstream, they protect the space from dam crest to draining prism or to dam heel in event of no prism.
3·Revetments protect the space from dam crest to the line a certain distance, normally 2.5m, under the minimum water level of the dam upstream.
4·The dam crest height is determined based on static water level, wave run-up, and freeboard. The freeboard is calculated according to the following formula.
5·It refers to space during dam crest level; it is above maximum deposited beach face, storage bottom and normal water level as well as under maximum flood level.
6·Therefore the proper plan of the filling of dam body and the arrangement of access roads to dam crest are the key problems to ensure the strength of construction.
7·Characteristic water level and reservoir capacity is fixed, freeboard and dam crest is calculated, seepage prevention of dam body, dam foundation and dam sheeting is discussed.
8·The dam for the Nuozhadu Hydropower Station is located in an area with small valley coefficient, poor construction conditions and difficult arrangement of access roads to dam crest.
9·PHGAs are amplified from the base of the dam to the crest.
10·As you can imagine this took some time and it was not until 1969 that the dam was completed and three years later that the crest gates were fitted in order to facilitate full usage.