1·This is a cyclic process?
2·The refrigerant in a household refrigerator also undergoes a cyclic process.
3·As complex a cyclic process as this may demand cycle times of more than a few hours.
4·This cyclic process, increased emphasis on strategic management practice in the guidance.
5·A process in which the final state of the system is the same as the initial state is called a cyclic process.
6·The upper branch of the inclusive decision connects to a third cyclic process fragment with a merge preceding a fork.
inclusive decision 最上方的分支使用 fork 之前的 merge 连接到第三个循环流程片断。
7·To correctly capture cyclic processes, add backward connections to the process model that connect to an upstream activity.
8·The lower branch of the inclusive decision leads to a cyclic process fragment, where Task 3 iterates until a decision condition is satisfied.
包含性decision的下面那条分支通向一个循环流程片段,在该片段中Task 3会反复迭代,直到满足了决策条件为止。
9·Through this cyclic process, the factors that affect the network index decreased progressively excluded and the final results to improve network quality.
10·At least one of the incoming branches of the merge must come from outside the cyclic process fragment, or this process fragment could not be reached from other activities.