1·Blood poured from the deep cut on his arm.
—— 《牛津词典》
2·Twas he cut off my arm.
3·He used his knife to cut off half his right arm.
4·A few days ago, I accidently cut my arm, and that cut appears to be healing normally as well.
5·She has been decapitated, had her arm cut off, been painted as well as blown off her rock.
6·The Buddha took out a knife and cut a piece of meat from the flesh of his own arm.
7·Prudhomme continued to cook with a hole in his chef's coat and a cut to his arm.
8·GE's shares fell to longtime lows in March as losses at the GE Capital finance arm forced it to cut its dividend and led to the loss of its coveted AAA credit rating.
通用电气股价在3月份跌至数年低点,因为受通用金融(GE Capital)的亏损拖累,通用电气被迫削减股息,还失去了令人慕的AAA信用评级。
9·Her right arm throbbed from the infected cut.
10·“Farewell bright sun, ” she cried, stretching out her arm towards it; and then she walked a short distance from the house; for the corn had been cut, and only the dry stubble remained in the fields.
“再会吧,您,光明的太阳!” 她说着,同时向空中伸出双手,并且向田鼠的屋子外面走了几步——因为现在大麦已经收割了,这儿只剩下干枯的茬子。