1·Although natural hosts are birds, the avian influenza viruses are known to cross species barriers to infect other mammals, including humans.
2·However, the "flu" virus usually develops different variants that are specialized for each species of animal that they infect. Cross species infections are rare.
3·If we are to truly understand how much our cognitive lives differ cross-culturally, we must continually explore the depths of our species' linguistic diversity.
4·Avian flu is not only particularly virulent; italso has the rare capacity to cross barriers between species. But it is hard totransmit.
5·Some of these AI viruses have also been reported to cross the species barrier and cause disease or subclinical infections in humans and other mammals.
6·Vinifera has been honed into hundreds of varieties, red and white; but the grapes are all still members of the same species, with limited cross-breeding between different varieties.
7·Cross-pollination isn't ensured when an ant picks up pollen off a pancake plant: The ant may then crawl to the ground or another species.
8·And not only human genomes. Cross-species comparisons are enormously valuable.
9·Virologists brought in to hunt down the Sars virus always suspected that it had lingered in farmyard or domestic animals before making the cross-species jump into humans.
10·These results showed that there existed the cross antigens in serum and body surface slime among various fish species, which corresponded with their relationship to each other.